A Reflection on 2020
I had been planning to write a reflection on 2020 for weeks now, and I am not a natural procrastinator, but it is winter break and I have been enjoying the sheer unproductivity of the last few weeks. So here it is, on December 31st, 2020, I am going to reflect on the year 2020. I, like most people, will be one of the first ones to give an "f you" to 2020. In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic, I faced one of my most challenging years of chronic illness yet. I spent nearly 30 days on the road and at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota this summer trying to get an answer to a health puzzle we were all perplexed by. I am so forever grateful that my family had the means for me to get care at the medical mecca of the world and that my phenomenal team of physicians helped diagnose me with Crohn's Disease - while devastating in some ways it has also felt like a long-awaited answered prayer. Let's run through 2020 top to bottom, shall we... January I began my second full...